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Morgan and Joel dedicate a whole episode to answering viewer's questions.

Ben Affleck introduces us to his new film The Way Back. Contractors Aaron Gray and Josh Arnett share their music story. And comedian Lionel Harris...

Dr. Sergio Matviuk, Director de programas internacionales de la Universidad Regent, nos da importantes consejos sobre como lidiar con jefes difíciles.

Although most TB infections affect the lungs, four-year-old Michael got TB in his thigh bone. When his leg swelled so much that he couldn’t walk on...

Michael nunca tenía tiempo para Lily y, aunque ella no se quejaba, su corazón estaba roto, hasta que un día ocurrió lo que nunca imaginaron. Te...

Michael and Michelle married young with the best of intentions, but with the pressures of life the shine wore off.

A musician saves a child from a burning house. Also, Gordon and special co-host Christy Wimber pray for an eldery woman going on a missions trip.

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